For district technology support:
Please email: [email protected]
or call 586-3266 ext. 3538
Frequently Asked Questions: 4th Grade
- When is the first day of live class sessions? Live sessions will start on Monday, August 24th at 8:30 AM. Access links to Zoom will be posted to your student's Google Classroom site on Friday, August 21st.
- When is my student required to be in (distance learning) school? The 4th grade schedule allows for a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. Please refer to the 4th grade schedule for specific times of live classes & student assignments posted on Google Classroom.
- Does my student have to attend live sessions? Attendance will be taken during every live session. There is a four-hour daily requirement to count as fully attended by students. Attendance for all live sessions is strongly encouraged and will greatly enhance the learning environment for all students. While it is expected that students attend as many of the live sessions as possible, and that their success during distance learning would be more likely if they were to attend live sessions, students may not be able to attend all live sessions. All live sessions will be recorded. There will be a procedure to make up any live sessions that are missed.
- What if my student cannot (or missed) a live classroom session? If you student misses a live session, recordings of each session will be able for viewing on Google Classroom. In order to receive credit for attendance of a live session, there is a short answer Google Form to demonstrate their attendance of a non-synchronous session. The directions on how to complete this will be on Google Classroom.
- Where can I find the assignments my student must complete? All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. Any assignments that use other applications (Seesaw, Flipgrid, Zearn, etc.) will be linked in Google Classroom.
- What materials does my student need for distance learning? Student material packets are available to pick up at the school from 10 AM until 6 PM on Tuesday, August 18th. Inside each packet is a Eureka Math book, Amplify Science book, Benchmark Advance Earth Changes book, 4th grade Nutrition book, a whiteboard and Expo marker, pencils, and introduction to 4th grade paper materials. These materials, along with school-issued (or personal) technology device is all that is required. It may be beneficial to have additional paper, markers/colored pencils, and other basic school materials, but they are not required to be successful.
- How can I best support my student during distance learning?Live There are many things that families can do to help support their student. These are my best suggestions and tips about how to help your student succeed during distance learning:
- Establish a school routine & schedule (Regular bedtime, morning routine, etc.)
- Designate a space for learning & make it as comfortable/inviting as possible
- Keep all materials & technology in a specific location & get in the habit of charging devices at the end of each school day
- Ask questions & communicate with your teacher if there are concerns or your student/family need support
- Help your student advocate for themselves—including asking for support, requesting a break, etc.
- Take regular stretch/activity breaks
- Setting a timer can help students stay focused & build in breaks
- Build in non-screen time activities into your after school routine
- Check-In & communicate regularly!
- What does my student do if they need help with an assignment or have questions?Live Throughout the day there are many times that students may be working independently and may have a question. They can return into the Zoom session link for the class period and ask questions, work with the teacher in small group or one-on-one. They may also send their teacher an email, record a visual voicemail in Flipgrid, or ask questions during the next day's class session.
- What if my student is struggling to log-in? All classroom assignments will be located on Google Classroom--which will include reminders in the instructions on how to log-in to the appropriate program. Additionally, it is an essential skill to start remembering passwords. Students will be guided through the first couple weeks of strategies to help remember passwords or write them down as an aid. There are also videos [coming soon] about how to log-in to each program. If students are still struggling, they can attend office hours to receive assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions: Twain Harte School
- Why distance learning?On July 17, 2020 the California Department of Public Health issued a mandate that schools in counties on a state watch list for new COVID-19 cases may not reopen for in-person learning. Tuolumne County Department of Public Health recommended schools open in distance learning due to the increasing likelihood that the county will be placed on the watch list. For more information, see the California Department of Health's Framework for Reopening. On July 30 all public schools in Tuolumne County decided to begin the year in distance learning.
- How long will it be in effect? Twain Harte School will use distance learning through at least October 9, 2020. District officials will consult with public health officials at that time to decide if a return to campus is possible or if the distance learning period will be extended.
- How often will students meet with their teacher each week?Teachers will develop instructional schedules for their class. The State of California has set requirements for distance learning instruction (see this link for more information). TK and K students are required to be provided 3 hours of distance learning daily while 1st grade through 8th grade students will be given 4 hours each day. Schools must also provide their students with daily live interaction with teachers and peers.
- How will teachers provide instruction? Teachers will use a number of digital tools to connect with their students. Direct instruction will be provided using the Zoom video conferencing programs. Teachers will also use a variety of digital resources and applications to give students access to learning materials. Specific information on how to access the digital applications necessary for your student will be sent out by the teachers.
- Will assignments be available in a print format also? The distance learning experience will be far richer for students who participate using technology tools to receive instruction and complete assignments. Twain Harte School will work with families to ensure that issues with internet and device accessibility are not a barrier to learning. Teachers have been working over the summer to develop engaging, standards based lessons to deliver in a digital format. The district will work with families on making paper packets available for students who cannot otherwise participate in learning.
- What will teachers be required of teachers? Teachers are expected to provide distance learning material for each content area. In addition, there will also be opportunities for art, music, and physical education through distance learning as well.
- Will students be issued an electronic device? Every student will be issued a device to access distance learning material. Devices will be issued to all registered students on August 18 between the hours of 10am and 6pm in the Manzanita Dr. school parking lot.
- Will there be technology support available if my student has difficulties accessing their lessons? Yes, we will have a technology support specialist available for families to contact with any questions they may have about using the district devices and programs. Please email: [email protected] or call 586-3266 ext. 3538
How will my student access distance learning material if I do not have reliable internet access? The Twain Harte School District has acquired a limited number of wireless internet hotspots in partnership with T-Mobile. These devices will be provided at no cost to our families to enable reliable network access for our students. Please contact the school office for questions or to request a wifi device. - How will special education services be provided? Using each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), district special education staff will develop a Distance Learning Plan (DLP) for each student receiving special education services. This Distance Learning Plan will provide an outline for how services will be provided to meet student needs during distance learning.
- Will attendance be taken during distance learning? Yes. Student attendance will be tracked daily by a combination of attendance at daily class sessions and assignment completion. Students who do not meet attendance requirements (60% of class sessions and assignments weekly) will be contacted by a member of our re-engagement team to determine support needed to increase distance learning participation.
- Will grades be issued during the distance learning period? Yes, in grades TK-5 teachers will report on student academic progress using our district’s standards based reports cards. In grades 6-8 students will receive letter grades (A-F) for each academic content area. These academics grades will be used to determine extracurricular activity eligibility (when offered) and fulfillment of 8th grade graduation requirements .
- How will parents be notified of what is expected of their students?Improving school to home communication is important for the district to make distance learning successful. Teachers will use digital applications to distribute specific information about assignments and class schedules. District communication is sent out via text, email, and phone periodically. Please make sure the office has the most up to date contact information on file to avoid any communication delays. The district has also set aside the first 3 days of school, August 19, 20, and 21 for teachers to schedule appointments with individual students and their families via a video conference to explain expectations and procedures for distance learning.
- Will food service continue to be available during distance learning? Families who qualify for the federal meal program will continue to receive breakfast and lunch daily. Families may also make arrangements to purchase meals for their students. The cost for a student breakfast is $1.75 and lunch is $3.10. Meals will be delivered daily to specified locations and will also be available for pick up at the school each day from 11am and 1pm.
- What will happen if a family cannot find time to provide oversight in distance learning or if a student refuses to participate in online sessions with the teacher? Interventions that are normally available to support in-person learning will also be available during distance learning. In addition, the district will utilize a re-engagement team to work with students who require assistance engaging in the distance learning process. This assistance could include one-on-one phone or Zoom calls, resources to support students and parents, and socially distanced home visits as necessary.
- How will the school support students emotionally? The Twain Harte School District will continue to provide social/emotional support for our students. Our Social/Emotional Support Coordinator and Student Support Specialist are available to provide support for students. Teachers will refer students for this support as needed. Please discuss concerns with your child's teacher.
- How can I contact school staff if I have any questions or concerns? Effective communication is crucial to making distance learning successful. Our staff members may be reached through their district issued email, phone, and class messaging applications. All contact information can be found here. Social media platforms should not be used to communicate concerns to staff members.